Sunday, June 18, 2006

it's quater past 5, I'm tired, I'm bored, I have an assignment that is about a week late with no extension, and a growing feeling that university is draining my soul.... time to write some blogadge.

Hmmm, it's been a while. My internal monolgue is sounding a lot like Steven Wright, so imagine him saying what is written here if you will, 'cause I certainly am.
I know if I don't get out of this job I'm in I am going to be very broke. For those who don't know, I am a pizza driver for Domino's. For those who do know... well, I'm still a driver for Domino's.... I'm 22 yrs old, and I'm getting paid $10 an hour, with $1.50 for each delivery, which barely covers petrol, and $10 anyway, for the work that I do, and for my age, is pathetic. I don't live at home anymore, I've moved to Heidelberg West... hmm, I don't think I've told people that in this blog. Huh, must be a while since I've blogged... slacker.

Where was I? Oh yah. So that job is no good 4 d Timmy. On a happier note, I've made a new friend who is a girl, and she's cool. So yay to me!.. there's actualy a few cool girls in my life. No girlfriends, but life at the moment has made the need less, but the want stays the same. Too busy and poor for a girlfriend anyways.

I feel old, I know I'm not, but I feel it in my bones Frodo, like butter spread over too much bread, like someone with a million ideas but no outlet or time or significant other to respond to my... talking thingy... hmmm... brain feels... hmmm blah! What I'm trying to say is I had to go to a party back in good ol' East Keilor way to find out that my wit and comedy prowess has not dissapeared, just the audience has (if you catch my meaning). If you don't understand, I'll say it in simpler terms. The people surrounding me here don't get my jokes, don't get what I say, and conciquentialy (bad spelling) don't get me. It sucks... I want to make it obvious who I'm talking about but if you know me well enough then you can have a stab at figuring out who it is. How can 2 people be so different and yet.... doesn't matter anyway.

I want this assignment done and get a very low pass so I don't have to make up another subject next year (I dropped one of my classes because of a work/assignment overload).
I need sleep, I'm not sleepy though.
I want the assignment done... hummmmph!
That way I can party with friends and not worry about wasting another day, or lieing to parents that school's going great.

I miss people, but at the same time I can't be stuffed.
I better go.
Stay out of trouble, otherwise I'll be envyous.

from Tim

oh it's now 5:40am