Dragon Age RPG character creation guide
My personal guide to rolling a new Character for beginners. Using only set 1 Player's Handbook
Step 1. Choose a Class - Mage, Rogue, Warrior
Step 2. Look at page 27-29 and roll your 3 Primary Abilities for your class. Roll 3d6 (3 six sided dice) for each ability and change the Dragon Die (different coloured) to a 6.
Mark it down on a scrap piece of paper. Use a 3 letter abreviation to save time EG. COM 14, CON 12 etc.
Step 3. Roll your 5 Secondary Abilities for your class. Again use 3d6 for each, but this time don't change the Dragon Dice.
Mark it down. Turn to page 19 and figure out what your ACTUAL Starting Ability number is using the upper right corner table.
Step 4. You may swap one ability number for another. This is recommended if you have a Secondary Ability score higher than a Primary.
Step 5. Choose a Race - Human, Elf, Dwarf (note Dwarves cannot be Mages)
Step 6. Choose a Background
(page 20-25)
* Mage can be Apostate or Circle
* Elf warrior/rogue can be City Elf or Dalish Elf
* Human Warrior/Rogue can be Avvar or Fereldan Freeman
* Dwarves get Surface Dwarf background only
Apply modifiers and focuses as instructed.
Step 7. Go to your class page 27-29 and roll your starting health
Step 8. Mark down your Level 1 Class Powers and choose your Starting Talents. Descriptions of Talents and their requirements are detailed on pages 35-38
Step 9. Pick Equipment on page 30 and calculate money. Then go to Chapter 4 page 39 and go shopping.
Step 10. Page 31, Calculate defense and speed based on what equipment you choose and your stats.
Step 11. Pick a kickass name for yourself and get ready to adventure!