Am i enough yet?
Comb your hair, make your bed, shower, shave, start again.
Can we just pretend, we've already reached the end.
Learn to read, learn to write, learn to punctuate, learn to articulate, learn to hate.
Join a group, one that says, it's ok to persecute against the type you didn't like already.
Fill that hole with alcohol, till we all feel whole.
Can i ask, am i enough yet?
Reminisce about times before my time. Easy to nostalgia-ise through the safety of hindsight and film reels.
Join a group to feel complete. Join a group to feel part of something bigger. Fight for rights you're too stupid to know you already have. Historical reinact the civil rights movement without fear of reprisal because we're 50 years on and our society isn't progressive, it's progressed. We went to the mountaintop and gone down the other side.
But it's never enough. While people starve and don't have proper drinking water in this world let's squabble over perceived privilege in our western society. Let's fight for the right to be perceived as oppressed and poor. Let's listen to celebrities whose singe paycheck will be more money than we'll ever see in our lifetimes complain about wage gaps and nod. Let's complain on twitter through high speed internet on our expensive smart phones how poor we are.
Have you had enough?
When will i be enough?
A constant work in progress, like this constant stream of consciousness.
To be continued, always to be continued.
When will it be enough?