Sunday, July 31, 2005

OKAY, did this quiz thingy, (cause hey aren't they fun!) and aparently I'm a japanese cartoon manga girl (and not a bad looking one at that, ahem)... anyway here's the result.

You're a good person. You know how to be nice
without being OVERLY nice...You always try to
think of others and their needs, but you know
that it's impossible to please everyone and you
are willing to accept people as they are.
That's great!

Are you a Nice Person?? (Anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Thursday, July 28, 2005

"...The impudence, the audacity! The unmitigated gall! You've called down the thunder, now be prepared for the BOON. Gaze into the face of fear. OGGABOOGA!"

Okay try and guess that quote!

Tim the Topcat here, not sure what to say. I've finally begun animation on my short film entitled "Armless Fun". Thank God, because I will never finish it unless I get a move on.

Rehersals are going good, recasting people, ppl dropping out, meh. Nobody has dropped out for a little while, hopefully no-one else will. *fingers crossed*

Thank you friends for your concerns too, I may be feeling down a little, but it's nothing I haven't conquered b4. And knowing that I have such good friends helps. Don't worry about me. People are going through worse things than myself.

Gotta find money to pay rego for the car. Not fun. Having a lot of fun though getting my dad's collection of Danny Kaye dvds and singing and learning the songs from the various movies. Danny Kaye is probably my idol. He's a fool, an entertainer, a clown, a lover, an ordinary guy... sound familiar?

I better get to bed, I'll probably whatch more X-FILES episodes. I want to read, but I can't find the inspiration to. My VCR is playing up too, just thought I'd let u know. I've been cuddlin' up to my sweet plush toy dog "George" for the last week when I go to sleep.....
.............. also I've gotten rid of (about a week ago) all of my exgf stuff (letters, movie stubs, train tickets and about bloody time I cleared that stuff out, it's been nearly 2 years!) with the exception of photos and a certain ring, which for some reason I have been wearing again. Apparently her sister picked the ring out for her and I'm using that fact as a loophole to wear it. It still looks very cool... and... it kinda feels nice to wear it again. Maybe it's a sense memory thingy, feeling the ring makes me remember what it feels like to be in a relationship thereby giving me a sort of placebo effect. It in no way, shape, or form makes me feel any nicer towards my ex though. I unclog my nose at her sssnnsnnnneoeooennaogkknka!

Mmmmmhhh, beddy byes.
Say hello to ur mum for me,
from the silly Toppedy Topcat!!

PS. This was supposed to be a short blog message, notice how each paragraph gets slightly bigger as it goes along, LOL :P

Sunday, July 24, 2005

"Vader, if you strike me down I will become more powerful than you could ever imagine!"

How all y'all people doin'? 'Sup! Tis the Topcat here, no need to answer what movie the above came from because if u didn't know I would have to cat/bitch-slap you back to East Keilor, SHAZAAAM! Oh I am sooooo haaaaaapy, because I is feelin it y'all know wha' I'm sayin? I feel the winds of change, and no it's not me getting gassy again. I figure, right, that if you can't take any positive outlooks on the world you live in, then life isn't going to reflect back in kind. Maybe I'm just talkin outta my ass, but hey, if that makes me smile a bit more every day, then *ppshhphhhphhhhhhhhhhh* (farty noises LOL). Oh by the way, all you lovely ladies out there, apparently I am quite the kisser, look at this...

check out the

My good friend "Starlet" (you know who u are), put me onto this quiz, and the "what dice are you quiz" which you can still take if u scroll down.

from the Topcat
peace and love to everybody xoxoxox MWWWWAAA!

Friday, July 22, 2005

Okay, I just saw one of the best lovey-dovey movies I've seen in a while.
It's called "The Notebook", it came out last year or so and I missed it when it was on the movies. It is truly spectacular and a real tear-jerker.

I wish I had one ounce of the skill for words that the dude who wrote the book that the movie was based on has. I wish I was as die-hard and determined as his characters in it, and I wish I wasn't as tormented by love as much as the characters are aswell. I enjoyed it emensely, James Garner is brilliant as are all the actors. If you're up for a REAL GOOD romance movie (or just a real good movie) and are sick of seeing the same old Jennifer Lopez crap over and over again then rent it out now! That's an order to the peeps of the Topcat, respect, and much meowing.


But seriously I recommend it, and to give you a preview of some of its heartwarming lines I'll leave you with this quote from it, read by none other than James Garner (unfortunately you can't actually hear him saying it at this blog... you'll just have to rent out the movie to hear that).

"I am nothing special; just a common man with common thoughts, and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who's ever lived: I've loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough."

PS. ...................... SEE IT! SEE IT NOW!!!
hugs and kisses,
Tim (back in full effect baby... and smiling to boot) the Topcat

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Okay, I'm writing this while I'm a bit drunk so excuse if I sound weird.
only 10 or 15 minutes ago, the Timster was an angry drunk.
I went into the bathroom and felt myself filled with drunken rage! :(
Timmy has never felt this before, and Timmy is scared.
He stopped all drinking for the night and water has become his friend.
Okay, enough of the talking in the 3rd person okay.
I aren't the happiest right now, because I am scared of what I could do when I am angry/drunk.
I have worried face right now.
But I am good person, and therefore able to stop drinking b4 badness insues.
MATT dissagrees, doesn't believe that I am worried looking.
I have changed my former statement to looking quizical. (bad drunken spelling)

I'm sorry I don't have happy thoughts to talk about right now other than, hugs are nice and friends are super. As is Futurama....

Thank you peeps of the Topcat, I enjoy your kind words and happyness and support. Things don't make sense in the Topcat's head right now, but I'm sure things will become clearer sometime soon... I hope. I'll probably read this in a few days time and wonder what the hell I was on.

Keep it real, and smile, for tomorrow is the day after 2day.
from The Topcat

P.S. Alcohol is evil, know your limit, and know that whatever emotion you are currently feeling will only be exentuated by it... I'm so ashamed of being angry, damn you alcohmoholisisisiyism. Never drink when you are depressed, it prolongs the feeling and makes it worse in the long run. Drink when all is lollypops and rainbows, and whenever you watch a funny movie, or a movie that is trying to be funny but really isn't (it actually makes those movies funny).
Oh woe is me BLA BLA BLA
The next post will be happier I promise... I'm sorry.

From the Topcat
"Be excellent to one another, and party on dudes"

P.P.S. I have not read through what I have just written and I'm quite drunk so if it sounds bad I'm sorry, and don't worry, I'll be fine in the morning. MMMMMWAAAH! *kisses*

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

"Of all the sad things known to man, there aint too much sadder than, the tears of a clown, when there's no-one around."

Hotdogs and lollypops!! Okay that was the first thing that came to my head... hmmmmm yummy. I could really use some food, I'll probably go home and THEN go to work instead of going straight to work. I've gotta save my pennies, I have like no money, which is fine except I've gotta pay for my car rego (seems like yesterday that I paid the last one. I also got to save for PSP. Grrrrrrrr.

Wish I had money and a girlfriend, but here's the thing. If I did happen to get into a relationship again I wouldn't have the foggyest of what to do. Meh, I've been single for over a year, and when I have been in previous relationships I haven't been too good at them, so now that I've been out of practice I'm worried that I'll never figure out what to do. I'm not good at coming up with original thingys and after a while I get just plain monotonous... I mean haven't I been talking about how I've been love-sick ever since the first post. As Ron would say "Cor, bloody hell."

So the terrible sameness of me sets in and the girl I go out with gets bored and dumps me. I've only ever dumped one girlfriend... and that's only because I knew deep down that she was going to dump me soon... I was right. Dealing with rejection takes less time too surprisingly and scarily. It's no longer depressing or infuriating, it's just getting a tad boring. No, try a lot boring. meh, meh! OOOOOHHHH double mehs!!!

I'm not depressed guys I'm just bored with sameness, I need a change. I'd like 4 once someone to come up to me and say something like, "Hey, I think your cool let's go out." or "Hey, I think your wierd... but in a good way, wanna make out?" or "Hey, your damn sexy, wanna nibble gently on my ear while I......." and so on. Why is it the guys role every single time to do the guesswork and risk getting his heart hurt before a relationship has even started? And how are guys supposed to know if a girl likes them back if he likes her?

*wiggles eyebrows, alternating one eyebrow raise to the other in quick succession*

hehehe, aaah funny. BLA!
Okay that's my whinge for the day, see ya at the next one... oh and here's another movie quote quiz.
See if you can name the movie this is from.
"I would say that's that, mattress man."
here's a clue, it's my favourite movie... good luck.

Monday, July 18, 2005

"A handful of people on a leaky boat are gonna save the world?"
Figure out this movie quote, it's soOOOOooo easy so please don't cheat and use IMDB.

oh by the way...

I am a d20

Take the quiz at

Thursday, July 14, 2005

"Don't you ever wont more for yourself? I know this poor hapless son of a bitch does. I look into his sorry doe eyes and I just-- I see a man crying out. He's crying out "When, Lord? When the fuck can your servant ditch this foul-mouthed little chucklehead to whom I am a constant victim of his folly so much so that it prevents him from ever getting to kiss a girl? Fuck! When, Lord, when? When's gonna be my time?!" "
Whoever can guess the movie quote first recieves my love psychotelakeneticalily so hit those message boards ppl.

Okay, so the world of the Topcat is pretty crazy. What's new u say. Well the above usual crazyness. Love, stress, mass shopping spree, rejection, people pulling out of Cabaret :(, people joining up with Cabaret :), trying to orgaminizazel everything. Funnily enough I actually find that my job is an escape from all the stress. Weird, should be the other way around, but that's me. The monotonousness of the work, the security of it maybe, the same kinda action over and over, correct kids' work, correct other kids' work, help other kid with problems on life the universe and 7x6=42. I'm helping kids with maths and english, I'm doing a good job, I'm getting paid, it's all good there. Actually everything above I can deal with. Nothing is new, only the directing of Cabaret scares me a tad, and I reckon I'll cope. Nothing has changed, only the underwear.

I bought chocolate because I was depressed from cool people dropping out of my play (don't hate them, some have VERY good reasons). I haven't bought chocolate covered happyness in a while. Note to self: don't go shopping for sweets when you're depressed, or horny... or both. After I had bought $44 worth of "stuff" to make me happy, consisting of 2 DVDs, a RALPH mag, an Empire mag with a free FHM mag inside, lots of chocies, and a bag of chips (I would have bought more if my little angel on my shoulder didn't remind me that things wont buy you happyness, or if my devil hadn't told me "Dude, you can't buy good porn from Coles, save your money and buy something inflatable, SHNOOGANS") I went home, watched 3 episodes of X-FILES on DVD and went to sleep thinking "I'm way behind in reading Lord of the Rings!"

YAY people who I thought couldn't join in on the crazyness that is my play are playing the roles that I lost people from. They are excellent and if they weren't a dude and a nonsingle dudette I would marry them. All is warm and toasty.

Okay somewhere between all the superchange from crapyness feeling and great feeling and work and it being 1:02am (by my dad's computer clock, but I know it's lieing) I don't feel to hot. I mean that in all senses of the word. I'm ok though, I have good friends, lots of things to keep my mind busy, and plenty more chocolate. Here's another stream of conciousness poem for my Peeps, enjoy.

The people that I see, on shows on the TV,
always seem like they are acting too unreal to me.
How can it be so easy to find a decent girl?
How can it be that everyone there looks so beautiful?
How do they say those pick up lines? How do they seem to work?
How can they say the things they say, and not come off a jerk?
"Because it's fake you stupid twat, what else ya think it is?
How else can they go out and play, and dance, and screw, and kiss?
My God you stupid bloody twit, I'm sarcastic of course,
get off your lazy fuckin' arse and get back on the horse.
And don't you let me hear you say another fuckin' word,
you're used to this, you piece of piss, it's just a bloody bird.
Stop watching that idiot box, won't find your answers there,
if you don't have a go of life I'll fuck you up, I swear!
You're talented, you're a nice guy, can't be denying that,
but if you eat those chocolates friend you'll end up stinkin' fat!
Keep off the chocs, keep of the box, keep off the grog aswell,
and go and have a shower, you really fuckin' smell!"
Well thank you concience my good friend, you surely speak your mind,
I shall try, and see if I, can have a real good time.
It may not be a pleasant life, but I will make it work.
I'll see the silver lining on every little quirk.
I'll get back up onto that horse and hold tight on the reigns,
until the time that I fall off, and must get up... again.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Hi Everybody... Hi Dr Tim

Okay now tell me when did u start hating ur motha? HMMMM????
Nah I love my mum, and speaking of Mum, IT'S MY MUM'S BIRTHDAY 2DAY SO YAY!!!

She does drive me up the wall sometimes, but sometimes she is really good. So send a hip hip huzzah to my Mum y'all.
Can't talk 4 long.
Hope every1 is partying hardy, keep in touch.... not in a bad way though LOL

Friday, July 01, 2005

And now we have the randomly impromptued crazy poem, enjoy.... WELL, ENJOY ALLREADY! Oh I guess you have to read the poem first to fully enjoy the poem. Ummm, well, yeah. Aaah!! Just read the bloody thing. Topcat signing off.........

The monster in my head and the thing under my bed,
were having a strange conversation.
One said, "Have you any more Splunge my good man
to use during procrastination?"
The other said "Nay, but by the way,
have you much to offer me?"
The first said "I do, if you don't mind some stew,
mixed with pine nuts and chopped celery."
The other went mad and he said "You're a cad,
how dare you offer such crap."
He promptly departed, right after he farted,
right ontop of somebodies lap.
The moral my friends, is to just make amends,
if your arguments seem silly a bit.
Then again if you must, find a reason to fuss,
then frankly I don't give a SHIT!