So before i forget their names as these people are sure to disappear into obscurity anyway, i'm going to write them down here so's I don't forget. These are people who are either, complicit with doxing, advocates of violence or blacklisting of critics, or just simply bad writers who only know how to politicise everything they write insted of portraying deep engaging characters in epic storylines. Y'know, comic book shit.
TLDR - Jason Aaron
Al Ewing
Sara Ryan
Garth Ennis
Marguerite Bennett
Mark Waid
B. Clay Moore
Taylor Esposito
Isaac Goodhart,
As with everything in my blog it is entirely subjective. Some people decided that they will never read anything by Orson Scott Card after he commented he wasn't for gay marriage. I'm not one of those people. I actually have Ender's Game on my ever growing "to read" list.
This list is made because the offending material was not their personal beliefs but their actual work that got ruined by it. There should be an ability for a good author to write in depth non political pushing characters, or at least characters that are disconnected from the author's morals etc. Otherwise all we get is preachy rhetoric and caricature, not realistic or interesting at all. This has been on the rise lately. So far i can think if 3 main authors this year.
1stly Female Thor - Funnily enough i'm a fan of having a woman with the power of Thor. It has happened be-Thor... bad pun. But seriously it has. It would have been cool if the character was more than Thor with boobs and a misandric temperament. Unfortunately for readers that are fans of the Thor comics for years that is not the case. She is written rather flat and actually has super villians that make more sense and are more sympathetic than her. Total missed opportunity.
So Jason Aaron and Al Ewing (writer of Loki Agents Of Asgard who shoehorned a tired jibe at Gamergate in issue #12) you guys will not be authors of comics i will read from now on.
2ndly Sensational Wonder Woman #10
I love Wonder Woman. Feminist icon who teaches women how to be strong on their own, promotes self defense, and liberates women everywhere... that is until this stupid comic. See i'm not a big fan of the modern day squabbling whiney BS from some people who call themselves "feminists". If oldschool Wonder Woman was still around she'd smack them in the face, tell them they were better than that, and put them to work to better themselves and remove the need they had for "acceptance" from men, other women, feminists, society, or any other box people think they should be identified or trapped by. Then she'd probably beat up Darkseid alongside Superman and Batman as their equal for good measure.
Unfortunately now she's been reduced to a security guard for e-celebs and uses words like "mansplaining". In short she has become the exact sort of feminist stereotype that her character used to destroy by just being her badass self.
So yeah, screw you Sara Ryan for infantalising one of the best feminist icons in fictional history.
UPDATE: A comic by Garth Ennis entitled Crossed. Fuck that comic, and fuck anything else Garth writes.
UPDATE: Angela by Marguerite Bennett. Nonsensical random SJW nonsense instead of dialogue and intriguing character development. This unfortunately means i can't buy A-Force. A She Hulk lead Avengers comic that i was really looking forward to reading as i'm a big She Hulk fan.
This video explains so much. When you're a professional writer of canon material, and you label YOURSELF as a fanfiction writer, it shows you're not taking this seriously and give zero shits about legacy.
UPDATE: Dan Slott thinks SJW is a term that puts you on the wrong side of history.
SJW means a slacktivist who forces ideology on people over open debate, that says "equality" and "diversity" while posting hashtags that call for the silencing, firing, and death of people who are white, straight, cis, or men. They are regressives who want segregation and deal in racist sexist stereotyping while using either other minorities or their own minority status as a shield protecting them from criticism and debate on their fascist ideology. So yeah, not buying his shit anymore if he thinks SJWs will be remembered as anything to be proud of.
Pity... i'm a massive fan of his She Hulk run.
CLARIFICATION: the irony is most SJWs don't give a shit about actual social justice. The right side of history" fallicy sums it up. They want to be remembered as being right, wether they were right or not. It's like saying "it's current year"... so your idealogy changes with where the wind is blowing based on popular thought? Do you stop cheering for your team if they're on a losing streak? Are your convictions so fickle? Everyone thinks they're on the right side of history until they're not. And then they backpedal like crazy saying they never were, again, for fear of their "image". They listen and believe buzzwords, not actually understanding why they believe what they believe beyond "it's right and i'll be remembered fondly". I don't care how i'm remembered. If art is lazy i'm calling it out. The people who marched in the streets during the Civil Rights movements of the 60s didn't know if they were going to survive it or if they'd be remembered well. They didn't care how society saw them. They knew why they were doing it and it wasn't for a pat on the head, or to live in a hug box segregated from society. They weren't SJWs. As Yoda said "Wars not make one great"
UPDATE 9th March 2021: Holy crap, sounds like the comics industry was terrified to act but things are turning around
20th April 2021:
youtube videos abound. Here's one of them. Finally the pushback and coverage. Blacklist the blacklist!
Labels: comics