Sunday, March 27, 2016

Some suggestions for 5e

I REALLY want Shifters (PHB2 4E) as a race option, though some of their features seem to mirror with totem Barbarians (and were- creatures).

All current races feel good in terms of options. That said there aren't any race choices for +2 to wisdom.

Cleric NEEDS a neutral aligned Death domain option that isn't evil themed.

I miss the style of Barbarian from 4e where getting hit gave you benefits.

Ranger needs something, like the spirit animal option maybe. Beastmaster's beast can die too easily, and with its death so too goes the subclass's perks. It would also be nice to have mount sized (large) beast companions. Maybe a feat for companion animals that improves both the summon familiar spell and adds

Sorcerer could maybe use 1 more option but i like the current dragon/wild/storm options.

Warlock and Monk are pretty much perfect, especially with the addition of Sun Soul and Long Death Monk.

Paladin and Fighter feel comprehensive.

Current amount of character classes are good and variety can be better expanded or customized with more feats and options.



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