Sunday, December 14, 2014


Skillet is a Christian Rock/Metal band. Their songs don't jam religion down your throat though. Their songs are highly positive, empathetic, and give a sense that we're all in this together. Basically their songs exude Christian philosophy and discounts negativity and prejudice that you may find some figureheads with bigger platforms in religion tend to push. They are simply brilliant and unashamedly Christian.

I was lucky enough to see them when they came to Melbourne and the lead singer said this inspiring speech. Understand, they like being Christian, they like the bible, but most of all they like Jesus's philosophy of treating people with love and respect, especially the outcast. Lately it's been open season on Gamers and Heavy Metal fans. If you don't dig Christianity, at least dig the msg of freedom. 

Our personal choices in terms of fashion, entertainment, religion, and even our ideas and thoughts are being attacked by people who want a Cultural hegemony
The beauty of the world is its variety.
Anyway check the speech below. I transcribed it from this video

"I got something I want to say about this song here. You guys know that every single day, when all of us here wake up in the morning, no matter where you live, no matter how far you drove tonight, every one of us is going through a war right now. As far as my country's concerned we're not talking about Afghanistan. Tonight i'm talking about a war for our souls.

And in this war, this world will try to tell you...
how to think,
how to talk,
how to dress,
what you can and what you cannot believe in if you want to 'fit in'.
This world may even tell you that having faith in God is a waste of your time.

But the bible says i am not ashamed...
It is the power of God, the salvation for anyone who believes.
So Australia,
This is your life, and we are not afraid."

- Skillet


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