Star Wars The Last Jedi thoughts
Wow... so many people have their space knickers in a twist over this movie. I thought it was great, in fact i'd say it's one of the better Star Wars movies i've seen since the original trilogy.
Heres a response i made to a recent FB post.
"No it wouldn't. Say Poe goes out in a fighter (which he is known to do) or any type of spacefaring daringdo and gets captured (which he is known to do). He's not covert ops guerilla warfare type guy. He's Poe Dameron, impulsive cocky war hero. Do you really think she's going to trust a guy who has just been demoted by General Leia if she's any kind of commander at all? If she had trusted him i would have been disappointed in her character as just another Leia.
I too am disappointed that we dont get to know what Snoke's deal was. He didn't die in the worst way. He died in a very Sith way. Dark Jedi are always rising through the ranks by killing their masters. Case in point...
I didn't mind Rose but that kiss was so forced (hey a force pun!) I also felt Phasma once again got criminally low screen time. Overall I loved it, it made perfect sense to me, character motivations actually were clearly defined (unlike IMO Force Awakens). It had enough lore from the SWU while not feeling like a clone of the story structure of previous films. I also like that it didn't feel it had to copy the filmaking style of the previous Star Wars films. I was surprised for a change instead of counting the beats of a tired formula."
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